"Eagles' Nest" is a 100% Solar-Wind-Powered Home and private Micro Winery-Vineyard located just south of Black Mountain in North Carolina.
This year is busy with a number of wines and vines.....all at 3,200' elevation.
Thomas Daniel Mincarelli
Contact info.:
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
July Meeting 2012
Many thanks to Tom Mincaarelli for taking the minutes at the last meeting. He clearly did a great job.
FBV Meeting 7-17-12 at Sugarloaf Vineyards in Hendersonville NC
Managed and Operated by Eric Case tel: 828-329-4819
Present and accounted for at the meeting with home town region :
Battaglia - George - Weaverville
Blethen - Chuck - Marshall
Case - Eric & Anna - Zirconia
Fland - Judy & Pete - Marshall
Gaddis - Tony - Canton
JD - Black Mountain
Kovacic - Paul - Hendersonville
Mincarelli - Tom - Black Mountain
Staton - Alan - Zirconia
Yancey - Cynthia -Mars Hill
"Sugarloaf Vineyard", is approximately 19 acres in size and professionally maintained by Eric Case and his crew.
The vineyard elevation is ~ 2,200' elevation and located in Hendersonville.
Some damage occurred to the vineyard from the unseasonably warm temperatures in March followed by several freezes as low as 24°F in April, as was endured by many vineyards in Western North Carolina.
The meeting was held in the new brown metal building at the vineyard which will be outfitted with the necessary equipment for refridgerated wine storage, and Eric's office. The structure will be insulated with high efficiency foam for energy savings.
Across the street from the vineyard entrance is a "wine tasting" house under construction for the winery to showcase it's various wines to the public.
The vineyard business also has a second location called "Burntshirt" located near Little Mt. Pisgah Mountain with a ~6 acre vineyard supporting various vine types at a higher elevation.
The vineyard elevation is ~ 3,400'.
1- Minutes from June meeting: were accepted and passed by all present.
2- Treasure report:
Judy has $375 ready to go to the new FBV bank account.
Newest member JD will also pay $25.
New member Justin Griffin paid $25 which will be deposited to the new FBV LLC account.
2 classes of membership were discussed by Pete: Active member and Participating member such as a spouse This was voted and approved on at the meeting.
Pete distributed a new French Broad Vigneron Active/Participating Member Form that will also display member added information on the location and activity of a winemaker/grape grower that will be posted on the FBV blog site.
A third free membership is still in the By-Laws to a qualifying individual.
Pete also distributed a French Broad Vigneron Annual Objectives 2012-2013 (Fiscal Year Plan) as well as a 2013-2014 proposed plan for reviewing.
Pete's forms should be posted on the FBV blog.
3- Presidents report:
Alan informed that the official FBV tax exempt account # has been submitted for a LLC classification.....tax free # is on internet...federal # is automatic.
Alan suggested setting a time limit used for food and ~30 minutes for the business meeting so members can go home before 10 PM.
A Host sheet for future meetings was passed and reviewed by members for future meetings and ideas.
Bob Bowles community center in Barnardsville is the location of the next meeting in August.
4- Officers report:
Chuck sent an email for publication about the FBV trained "wine judges" involved in the August wine tasting in Asheville.
Chuck talked about the Madison county commissioners letter he received declining from allowing FBV wine tastings at the extension office in Madison county. Steve Garrison asked not to be responded too harshly....no commissioner commented on this...the attorney thinks it may turn around positively in time.
Spray drift update from Jewel of the Blue Ridge Vineyard: Chuck does not have any results from his crop damage yet. The damage is being sampled and evaluated in Raleigh. His vineyard was severely damaged.
Pete suggested that all vineyards participate in providing their GPS position for a new data base to make a map of vineyards with a 5 mile spray radius zone around each one.
JD offered to help make the map.
Grapes are the most sensitive crop to spray damage.
Paul the VP of Education, talked about his presentation on sanitation in the winery in Junes meeting and also asked for any ideas of what people wanted to learn about or discuss about winery applications for future meetings.
Alan passed a sheet for members to sign who can have a future FBV meeting at their place of residence or business and what they can offer or are interested in.
Chuck talked about the Sunday opening classes that the FBV attended at Warren Wilson Seasonal School of Culinary Arts (SSCA).
Master chef Susi Gott Seguret is the director of the SSCA and graciously invited the FBV to portions of the event.
Susi invited Chuck to present an opening discussion on wine history and the FBV to present some of their wines made in the area as well as taste some delicious foods.
Ebron from the Asheville Wine Market poured some of his wines to combine with the prepared food delights at the end of the evening.
If a FBV member donated wines to the SSCA they will be allowed participate in the Friday food and wine pairing at Warren Wilson or 4 members may come to represent anyone that donates wine but cannot attend the friday closing event at Warren Wilson College.
5- Committee and Project Reports:
John could not attend the meeting so Tom took notes and pictures on the business topics.
John knows we can't add topics on the Blog yet. Tom has been able to post but not find an "editor dashboard' to start new topics or add pictures or videos.
FBV will judge the amateur home winemaker wines for the Asheville Wind and Food Festival (AWF) held on August 24-25th.
Entries must be submitted by August 11, 2012 and several locations from Asheville to Weaverville will accept the wines.
The primary judging will occur at Bob Bowles community center in Barnardsville on August 13, 2012.
No wine judge will be permitted to judge their own wine for the Wine and Food Festival, but they can judge any of the other flights.
FBV needs more judges to be trained for the August Wine-Food Festival.
A schedule will be established listing who can be a judge and when for each flight. The judging will take several days and will depend on the number of entries.
A final public judging will be held on Saturday August 25, 2012 at 1PM at the Asheville Wine and Food Festival located in the Us Cellular Center.
John Kinnaird is the executive wine judge at the AWF event and is the main contact:john.kinnaird66@gmail.com
Chuck Blethen is the executive trainer for being a wine judge: blethen@GrapeSAVI.org
For information on purchasing an admission ticket: www.ashevillewineandfood.com
6- Old Business: Nothing discussed
FBV Meeting 7-17-12 at Sugarloaf Vineyards in Hendersonville NC
Managed and Operated by Eric Case tel: 828-329-4819
Present and accounted for at the meeting with home town region :
Battaglia - George - Weaverville
Blethen - Chuck - Marshall
Case - Eric & Anna - Zirconia
Fland - Judy & Pete - Marshall
Gaddis - Tony - Canton
JD - Black Mountain
Kovacic - Paul - Hendersonville
Mincarelli - Tom - Black Mountain
Staton - Alan - Zirconia
Yancey - Cynthia -Mars Hill
"Sugarloaf Vineyard", is approximately 19 acres in size and professionally maintained by Eric Case and his crew.
The vineyard elevation is ~ 2,200' elevation and located in Hendersonville.
Some damage occurred to the vineyard from the unseasonably warm temperatures in March followed by several freezes as low as 24°F in April, as was endured by many vineyards in Western North Carolina.
The meeting was held in the new brown metal building at the vineyard which will be outfitted with the necessary equipment for refridgerated wine storage, and Eric's office. The structure will be insulated with high efficiency foam for energy savings.
Across the street from the vineyard entrance is a "wine tasting" house under construction for the winery to showcase it's various wines to the public.
The vineyard business also has a second location called "Burntshirt" located near Little Mt. Pisgah Mountain with a ~6 acre vineyard supporting various vine types at a higher elevation.
The vineyard elevation is ~ 3,400'.
1- Minutes from June meeting: were accepted and passed by all present.
2- Treasure report:
Judy has $375 ready to go to the new FBV bank account.
Newest member JD will also pay $25.
New member Justin Griffin paid $25 which will be deposited to the new FBV LLC account.
2 classes of membership were discussed by Pete: Active member and Participating member such as a spouse This was voted and approved on at the meeting.
Pete distributed a new French Broad Vigneron Active/Participating Member Form that will also display member added information on the location and activity of a winemaker/grape grower that will be posted on the FBV blog site.
A third free membership is still in the By-Laws to a qualifying individual.
Pete also distributed a French Broad Vigneron Annual Objectives 2012-2013 (Fiscal Year Plan) as well as a 2013-2014 proposed plan for reviewing.
Pete's forms should be posted on the FBV blog.
3- Presidents report:
Alan informed that the official FBV tax exempt account # has been submitted for a LLC classification.....tax free # is on internet...federal # is automatic.
Alan suggested setting a time limit used for food and ~30 minutes for the business meeting so members can go home before 10 PM.
A Host sheet for future meetings was passed and reviewed by members for future meetings and ideas.
Bob Bowles community center in Barnardsville is the location of the next meeting in August.
4- Officers report:
Chuck sent an email for publication about the FBV trained "wine judges" involved in the August wine tasting in Asheville.
Chuck talked about the Madison county commissioners letter he received declining from allowing FBV wine tastings at the extension office in Madison county. Steve Garrison asked not to be responded too harshly....no commissioner commented on this...the attorney thinks it may turn around positively in time.
Spray drift update from Jewel of the Blue Ridge Vineyard: Chuck does not have any results from his crop damage yet. The damage is being sampled and evaluated in Raleigh. His vineyard was severely damaged.
Pete suggested that all vineyards participate in providing their GPS position for a new data base to make a map of vineyards with a 5 mile spray radius zone around each one.
JD offered to help make the map.
Grapes are the most sensitive crop to spray damage.
Paul the VP of Education, talked about his presentation on sanitation in the winery in Junes meeting and also asked for any ideas of what people wanted to learn about or discuss about winery applications for future meetings.
Alan passed a sheet for members to sign who can have a future FBV meeting at their place of residence or business and what they can offer or are interested in.
Chuck talked about the Sunday opening classes that the FBV attended at Warren Wilson Seasonal School of Culinary Arts (SSCA).
Master chef Susi Gott Seguret is the director of the SSCA and graciously invited the FBV to portions of the event.
Susi invited Chuck to present an opening discussion on wine history and the FBV to present some of their wines made in the area as well as taste some delicious foods.
Ebron from the Asheville Wine Market poured some of his wines to combine with the prepared food delights at the end of the evening.
If a FBV member donated wines to the SSCA they will be allowed participate in the Friday food and wine pairing at Warren Wilson or 4 members may come to represent anyone that donates wine but cannot attend the friday closing event at Warren Wilson College.
5- Committee and Project Reports:
John could not attend the meeting so Tom took notes and pictures on the business topics.
John knows we can't add topics on the Blog yet. Tom has been able to post but not find an "editor dashboard' to start new topics or add pictures or videos.
FBV will judge the amateur home winemaker wines for the Asheville Wind and Food Festival (AWF) held on August 24-25th.
Entries must be submitted by August 11, 2012 and several locations from Asheville to Weaverville will accept the wines.
The primary judging will occur at Bob Bowles community center in Barnardsville on August 13, 2012.
No wine judge will be permitted to judge their own wine for the Wine and Food Festival, but they can judge any of the other flights.
FBV needs more judges to be trained for the August Wine-Food Festival.
A schedule will be established listing who can be a judge and when for each flight. The judging will take several days and will depend on the number of entries.
A final public judging will be held on Saturday August 25, 2012 at 1PM at the Asheville Wine and Food Festival located in the Us Cellular Center.
John Kinnaird is the executive wine judge at the AWF event and is the main contact:john.kinnaird66@gmail.com
Chuck Blethen is the executive trainer for being a wine judge: blethen@GrapeSAVI.org
For information on purchasing an admission ticket: www.ashevillewineandfood.com
6- Old Business: Nothing discussed
Friday, July 6, 2012
Amateur Wine Contest application form
This form must be submitted with wine entry by the Wednesday, August 22, 2012 deadline or wines will not be judged.
Winemaker # __________
Wine # A______________
Chief Judge, 2012 Asheville Wine & Food Festival:
Please accept the following entries by which I agree to be governed in exhibiting. Entries are subject to the rules and regulations of the Asheville Wine & Food Festival. All statements made in connection with said entries are true.
Please PRINT in BLACK non-smear ink
Winemaker’s Name: ______________________________________________
Mailing Address: _________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________
County: _____________________________ Phone: (_____)_______________
e-Mail Address ___________________________________________________
Each bottle MUST have the following information:
a) Name of the wine
b) Name of winemaker
c) Names of grapes/fruits used to make wine
d) Vintage date (when the wine was made)
e) Class Category (Dry red, sweet white, etc.)
f) % Residual sugar if known
Number of wines entered: _____________
Submit one (1) 750 mL bottle (two (2) 375 mL bottles) of each wine for the Amateur Wine Competition.
Wine Class Wine Name Varietal (grape/fruit) Residual
______ _______________________ ________________________ _____
______ _______________________ ________________________ _____
______ _______________________ ________________________ _____
______ _______________________ ________________________ _____
______ _______________________ ________________________ _____
______ _______________________ ________________________ _____
______ _______________________ ________________________ _____
______ _______________________ ________________________ _____
______ _______________________ ________________________ _____
______ _______________________ ________________________ _____
Entry Forms and fees must be received by August 11, 2012
Submit entry forms with wines to:
Weinhaus www.weinhaus.com
Asheville Wine Studio www.winestudioasheville.com
Maggie B's www.maggiebswine.com/
Asheville Brewers Supply www.ashevillebrewers.com
Hops & Vine www.hopsandvines.net
Or you may Ship wine, entry forms to:
2012 Asheville Wine & Food Festival
ATTN: Wine Competition
1679 Barnardsville Hwy, Barnardsville NC 28709
Phone: 828-777-8916
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Amateur wine competition
Bob Bowles, (one of our members) is the creator of the Asheville Wine and Food Festival. This year the AWFF is sponsoring the first of what is hoped will be an annual amateur wine competition.
Awards:1st, 2nd, 3rd Place ribbons and special Publicity/ Recognition
ENTRIES CLOSE Saturday, August 11th 2012
Chief Wine Judge – John Kinnaird
JUDGES: judges to be provided by members of the French Broad Vignerons
Entry Forms must accompany wines and be received by Saturday, August 11th 2012. Wines to be submitted for judging may only be received at one of the following locations:
Weinhaus www.weinhaus.com
Asheville Wine Studio www.winestudioasheville.com
Maggie B's www.maggiebswine.com/
Asheville Brewers Supply www.ashevillebrewers.com
Hops & Vine www.hopsandvines.net
Or you may Ship wine, entry forms to:
Asheville Wine & Food Festival
ATTN: Wine Competition
1679 Barnardsville Hwy, Barnardsville NC 28709
Phone: 828-777-8916
Judging will be performed during the week leading up to the day of the Festival with the last tasting panel possibly to take place on the day of the Festival on location at the US Cellular Center in Asheville so the public may observe how wine judging is performed by our trained Consumer Wine Tasting panels.
Winners will be announced/posted at the Festival on Saturday August 25th, 2012
1. Amateur wine entries must be submitted on separate entry forms for each wine class – i.e., 3 dry reds on one from. The winemaker must be the producer of the wine.
2. Varieties of grapes/fruits, and residual sugar must be entered in percentages on the entry forms if known.
3. Only amateur winemakers from North Carolina and bordering states are eligible to enter their wines in the AWFF 2012 Amateur Wine Competition.
4. Entrants must submit one (1) 750 mL bottle of each entry (Liqueurs/fortified wines may be submitted in 375 mL bottles). All bottles must corked or capped bottles. Entry forms must accompany entries at submission.
5. Each bottle MUST have the following information:
a) Name of the wine
b) Name of winemaker
c) Names of grapes/fruits used to make wine
d) Vintage date (when the wine was made)
e) Class Category (Dry red, sweet white, etc.)
f) % Residual sugar if known
6. Label must be firmly attached to the bottle with a non-smear ink in case the label gets wet from condensation or spills.
7. Ribbons will be awarded to wines meriting 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. If no wines in a category merit 1st, 2nd or 3rd places, ribbons will not be awarded.
8. Amateur winemakers may submit as many wines as they wish in all categories.
9. Judges evaluate wine on appearance, aroma, taste, finish, and overall quality using a modified Davis Card wine evaluation form. Bottle shape and or color and label color design will not have any effect on judging.
10. Participants may visit www.AshevilleWineandFood.com after the festival to see winners. Winners will be announced/posted on Saturday, August 25, 2012 at the festival and the following week on the website.
A three to six-member panel of judges will judge the wines. The wine tasting judges will be provided by the French Broad Vignerons (FBV). The FBV is an organization of grape growers, home winemakers, and wine consumers who have been formally trained in evaluating wines using the modified Davis Card wine evaluation form. They represent totally independent and impartial wine consumers. Wines will be judged blind. Judges will not see the wine bottle, nor will they receive any indication of which exhibitor entered the wine.
DR - Dry red (may be a pure varietal or a blend of grapes & fruit)
DW - Dry white (may be a pure varietal or a blend of grapes & fruit)
SR - Sweet red (may be a pure varietal or a blend of grapes & fruit)
SW - Sweet white (may be a pure varietal or a blend of grapes & fruit)
MS – Muscadine/Scuppernong (pure varietal or blend)
DP- Dessert wines (Residual sugar higher than 3%) and fortified grape wines
LQ – Liqueur (Any fruit/nut/vegetable or combination)
SP - Sparkling wine (Any non-still wine)
FW - Fruit wine (any fruits or combination not including grapes)
HM – Mead (any honey based wine)
I want to encourage all the FBV members who have made wine of any description to enter the contest. Its free and you will get objective evaluation and who knows, perhaps a ribbon and some notoriety.
Here are the rules:
2012 Asheville Wine & Food Festival
Amateur Wine Competition
Awards:1st, 2nd, 3rd Place ribbons and special Publicity/ Recognition
ENTRIES CLOSE Saturday, August 11th 2012
Chief Wine Judge – John Kinnaird
JUDGES: judges to be provided by members of the French Broad Vignerons
Entry Forms must accompany wines and be received by Saturday, August 11th 2012. Wines to be submitted for judging may only be received at one of the following locations:
Weinhaus www.weinhaus.com
Asheville Wine Studio www.winestudioasheville.com
Maggie B's www.maggiebswine.com/
Asheville Brewers Supply www.ashevillebrewers.com
Hops & Vine www.hopsandvines.net
Or you may Ship wine, entry forms to:
Asheville Wine & Food Festival
ATTN: Wine Competition
1679 Barnardsville Hwy, Barnardsville NC 28709
Phone: 828-777-8916
Judging will be performed during the week leading up to the day of the Festival with the last tasting panel possibly to take place on the day of the Festival on location at the US Cellular Center in Asheville so the public may observe how wine judging is performed by our trained Consumer Wine Tasting panels.
Winners will be announced/posted at the Festival on Saturday August 25th, 2012
1. Amateur wine entries must be submitted on separate entry forms for each wine class – i.e., 3 dry reds on one from. The winemaker must be the producer of the wine.
2. Varieties of grapes/fruits, and residual sugar must be entered in percentages on the entry forms if known.
3. Only amateur winemakers from North Carolina and bordering states are eligible to enter their wines in the AWFF 2012 Amateur Wine Competition.
4. Entrants must submit one (1) 750 mL bottle of each entry (Liqueurs/fortified wines may be submitted in 375 mL bottles). All bottles must corked or capped bottles. Entry forms must accompany entries at submission.
5. Each bottle MUST have the following information:
a) Name of the wine
b) Name of winemaker
c) Names of grapes/fruits used to make wine
d) Vintage date (when the wine was made)
e) Class Category (Dry red, sweet white, etc.)
f) % Residual sugar if known
6. Label must be firmly attached to the bottle with a non-smear ink in case the label gets wet from condensation or spills.
7. Ribbons will be awarded to wines meriting 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. If no wines in a category merit 1st, 2nd or 3rd places, ribbons will not be awarded.
8. Amateur winemakers may submit as many wines as they wish in all categories.
9. Judges evaluate wine on appearance, aroma, taste, finish, and overall quality using a modified Davis Card wine evaluation form. Bottle shape and or color and label color design will not have any effect on judging.
10. Participants may visit www.AshevilleWineandFood.com after the festival to see winners. Winners will be announced/posted on Saturday, August 25, 2012 at the festival and the following week on the website.
A three to six-member panel of judges will judge the wines. The wine tasting judges will be provided by the French Broad Vignerons (FBV). The FBV is an organization of grape growers, home winemakers, and wine consumers who have been formally trained in evaluating wines using the modified Davis Card wine evaluation form. They represent totally independent and impartial wine consumers. Wines will be judged blind. Judges will not see the wine bottle, nor will they receive any indication of which exhibitor entered the wine.
DR - Dry red (may be a pure varietal or a blend of grapes & fruit)
DW - Dry white (may be a pure varietal or a blend of grapes & fruit)
SR - Sweet red (may be a pure varietal or a blend of grapes & fruit)
SW - Sweet white (may be a pure varietal or a blend of grapes & fruit)
MS – Muscadine/Scuppernong (pure varietal or blend)
DP- Dessert wines (Residual sugar higher than 3%) and fortified grape wines
LQ – Liqueur (Any fruit/nut/vegetable or combination)
SP - Sparkling wine (Any non-still wine)
FW - Fruit wine (any fruits or combination not including grapes)
HM – Mead (any honey based wine)
I want to encourage all the FBV members who have made wine of any description to enter the contest. Its free and you will get objective evaluation and who knows, perhaps a ribbon and some notoriety.
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