Minutes from the January meeting
January 2012 meeting FBV
Presidential report
We need some volunteer for host for
meetings and we need a backup plan for hosting meetings, some place that we can
use as an failsafe when no member volunteers. Email suggestions to Alan, everything is open.
Contact page of our website Is open. We are getting referrals to our page from
both Chuck and Paul at Falderal winery.
WE need a tag line for our FVB
logo. Send suggestions to Alan.
Vice President of Public Relations Report
Chuck has done two
radio interviews this month on growing grapes in wnc and gave plugs for the
FBV, Jewel of the blue ridge vineyard,
and NC Natural Products with emphasis on muscadines
Feb 20 is the
Sustainable viticulture conference and FBV will have a table with flier. There will be a panel discussion and Chuck
will email the actual opening question for that panel sometime before the
conference so that members can prepare.
There will be a general question from the moderator for each person on
the panel to answer before questions are thrown open to the floor.
A press release will be sent out to various media outlets advertising the AB tech class.
VP Education Report:
There will be a
NC winegrowers association Conference that Alan will attend and he will share
information he learns with the club.
The survey for
the wine makers forum is complete and will be sent to all people registered for
the AB tech class.
A press release
will be sent out to various media outlets advertising the AB tech class.
OLD Business:
J.D. reports that the state fair contact is going
to allow a wine competition at the state fair.
J.D. will continue his discussion with his contact.
Pete suggested that we should sponsor a micro winemaker
competition at the state fairnd be sure not to compete with the Asheville
wine and food event that Bob Bowles sponsors.
JD is still having
problems getting computer access to work on the vineyard locations relating to herbicide
spray drift. Chuck mentioned that this
must be done by March.
New Business:
We had a
discussion of the process of wine judging.
Alan suggested we doa test of flight testing vs sereal testing. A general discussion of wine judging followed.
It was suggested that some part of our educational program
be given over to wine judging techniques wherein 4 to 5 wines of the same grape
would be sampled, judged and discussed by the group and scores for those wines
compared and evaluated.
Alan made a request for members to volunteer a location for
the next meeting.
Pete reported that the Bio Network is eager to join with us to promote our interests. We will meet with the lab heads of testing
Once we have a protocol established we will be given access to their lab equipment for a lab fee of $20 per hour. They want to be a partner with us to help apply for grants
It was moved and seconded and unanimously approved that we form a relationship with Bio Network.
We need to get a list of equipment and testing that we would like to have available through Bio Network to Alan.
Janice was given a vote of appreciation for the logo design that the club adopted. The club plans to get shirts with the logo made available to members
Meeting adjourned.