Monday, November 19, 2012

November 15, 2012 FBV Monthly Meeting

Location: Gateway Club  37 Church Street Waynesville, N.C.  28786
Time: 6:30 PM

Tony Gaddis hosted the meeting and arranged for the FBV to meet with David Wijewickrama, an attorney and wine connoisseur from Waynesville (Haywood County) and Sheriff Keith Lovin, who is also a Mead maker from Murphy (Cherokee County).
Thank you Tony!

Members-Vineyards/Wineries and guests present with hometown region:

Chuck and Jeannie Blethen..."Jewel of the Blue Ridge"-Vineyard... Marshall
Bob Bowles...Barnardsville
Tom Mincarelli..."Eagles Nest" private Micro-Vineyard&Winery... Black Mountain
Pete and Judy Fland..."Bailey's Ridge" Vineyard... Marshall
Tony Gaddis...Dutch Cove in Canton
Alan Staton...Zirconia
Bill & Jamie Fish...Flat Rock
David Wijewickrama...Waynesville
Keith Lovin...Murphy

1- Minutes from October FBV meeting at Paul and Jan Herchen's home in Marshall:
Tom read John's (Secretrary) minutes from the October meeting and they were passed by all in attendance.

2-  Treasurer report by Judy Fland:
Judy reported the FBV account balance from ~18 paid families.

3- Presidents report by Alan Staton:
Alan reported that the French Broad Vignerons new website is still under construction . The software program to manage the site is Dream Weaver.  Alan said it's complicated to get the software functioning so far.  We may still need further assistance from a webmaster to help set the site up.
The FBV wine judging panel met at the Community Center in Barnardsville to judge a red and white flight of new wines that Debbie and Phil Halpern are considering adding to  their North Carolina Wine Gift On-line business .
The new FBV artwork logo created by Jamie Fish has been chosen.  Alan is handling the final version.

4- Officers reports: 
Chuck Blethen (VP of Public Relations) discussed the venue at the 3rd Sustainable Viticulture Conference that will be held at Warren Wilson College again.  FBV may have displays or events at the conference.
Paul Kovacich (VP of Education) is arranging for a tour of a wine lab in Tryon.  We need to confirm a date for the tour.
It is not known if the tour will be on a monthly meeting date or an extra curriculum activity.
Chuck announced that a December FBV Holiday Party for members will be held at Pete and Judy Fland's house in Marshall.  Email notification for reservations will be sent out.

5- Committee and Projects reports:
Pete Fland report: "Micro-Winemaker Forum" and "Micro-Winemaker Festival".
The committee is Bob Bowles, Pete Fland, Paul Kovovich and Tom Mincarelli
Pete has offered to chair for the forum and Paul has offered to chair for the festival.
The committee met on October 22, 2012 to discuss two new FBV events:

A- Micro-Winemakers Forum...possible event date: March 16, 2013

B- Micro-Winemakers Festival...possible event date: To be decided on.

The committee has also begun rough drafting questions for a public Forum Survey to obtain useful data  for such an event.  Several methods to get the Survey out are being evaluated such as:
a- "Survey Monkey" free on-line survey service.
b- "The Juice" online wine and food bi-monthly email notification.
c- A web link that can be attached to the FBV Public Relations Officers email signature.
d- Newspaper or other publications and on-line networking.
e- FBV blog:    and new FBV Website  under construction:
Pete distributed information to all present and possibilities of how the Micro-Winemaker Forum could be self funding.
Both events would require an admission charge to be self funding but will also seek sponsors.

Pete requested all members present to vote on approval for the Committee and Forum/Festival projects to move forward.  The request was approved by all.

We're also seeking any help or ideas people may have on the Forum and Festival.
Tom has sent rough draft Survey questions to the committee and various FBV members to review.  Thanks to all that have given their input.
The Survey is approaching completion from its rough draft stage and will be sent to all FBV members for a final review and approval.
The committee plans to have a second meeting on December 11-12.
The Survey and Micro-Winemaker Forum are the committees primary focus but will be working on the Micro-Winemaker Festival event when time allows.

JD Diefenbach's report:
A new GIS map of WNC vineyards and WNC State Fair wine competition/judging.
JD attended his retirement ceremony on the evening of the November FBV meeting and could not attend.
Congratulations you can work in your vineyard and winery full time!
Tom read the report as follows:
A- The first phase of the GIS map that will allow specific location and information of vineyards in WNC is almost complete.  The map will also display locations of railroad tracks and electric power company high tension feeder lines.  These features are important for preparation in advance for "Spray Drift" which can damage or destroy vineyard and other crops.
FBV members have sent JD their individual vineyard location with latitude and longitude coordinates.
JD will present the functions of the mapping system when it is ready at a future monthly meeting.
The map/site will have a designated "site administrator" and each vineyard operator will be able to set up their page and keep it updated through the "site administrator".
The ARCVIEW program feature will allow a simple click on the GIS map location to observe each vineyard and will display specific information.
The new map will be a major display tool for FBV to promote the wine grape and vineyard industry in Western North Carolina.
B- JD talked with Matt Buchanan, director of the WNC state fair about allowing a wine judging contest similar to the beer judging that was recently allowed. The idea of the wine judging was met with optimism.  JD will meet Matt next for further discussion on the event.  Matt may be invited to attend one of the FBV monthly meetings to get acquainted with our group.

Alan Staton report:
Wine testing and grape vineyard committee.
The committee is Alan Staton, John Kinniard, Paul Kovovich and Tom Mincarelli.
The committee has not held a meeting to date.
A list of wine tests and vineyard tests has been started by Tom and Chuck has added some of the vineyard suggestions.

6- Guest reports:
David Wijewickrama: David informed us that the new elected politicians in his area are just coming into office.  We should hear back from him as connections are made or any other important news occurs.

Keith Lovin: Keith is a mead winemaker and discussed some of his experience and background of living in the Cherokee county area.
Keith also said he knows of at least 14 vineyards in his area and can get a map with the vineyards locations on it.  This will be helpful for FBV to add to our new GIS vineyard map JD is working on.
Keith described a large and unique valley that has several features that are perfect for wine grapes:
1- Extreme temperature variations from night to day....over 30°F....perfect for grapes.
2- Limestone deposits.....perfect for grapes.
Keith also recommended we contact Eric Carlson who owns Callaboosecellars which is the countries smallest winery and he is also a web site builder.  is located in Andrews North Carolina....about 2 hrs. from Asheville.
I noticed on Eric's website he is working on an interactive map of wineries in Southern Appalachia including  the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee.
Eric's website is full of information and very well constructed.

7- Old Business: Nothing was presented.

8- New Business: 
Tom requested a change of the monthly meeting venue to allow:

A- FBV business to be conducted at the beginning of the meetings.
Alan recommended that we meet at 6:30 PM and call the meeting to order at 6:40-6:45 PM promptly.

B- Tom will ask for an amendment to the November minutes be added at the December or next meeting for members or guests planning on attending a monthly FBV meeting to:
1- inform FBV in advance if they are going to be attending a meeting.
2- inform FBV if they will be bringing a wine for judging by members.  
The blog or website may establish a section for people to register or request of their intentions in advance of a meeting, allowing FBV to prepare properly for the event.

C- Dinner activity after the business meetings will now be optional....this will allow members or guests to return home at an earlier evening hour.
FBV needs to establish a way to allow members or guests to list if they are attending and if they are planning on staying they should also be able to list what  they will be bringing for food items.  The blog or website will be useful for these purposes.
All members present agreed and passed the new meeting  A & C format.

9- Good of the Order: 
The conclusion of the meeting is that with the new elected politicians in WNC office positions it will take time to establish political relations to allow vineyards and wineries to gain recognition and possible help to promote the expanding industry.
FBV will have to keep working on outreach projects to boost the grape industry in WNC.
Bob Bowle's commented on the fact that "we are on our own".

10- Adjournment: meeting completed.

Keith Lovin on the right and David Wijewickrama on the left settle in for the meeting:

The meeting room:

Chuck Blethen presented the Educational Session of the meeting with a slide show and handout on the Mead Wine Dictionary and Related Terms.

Chuck brought a bottle of Metheglin Mead his son made that was spicy and yummy!
Bill and Jamie Fish brought a bottle of Indiana Mead.
Alan Staton brought a bottle of his own Mead.
At some point we started to blend Bill and Alans Mead and created a good concoction!
I acquired a new liking to Mead!

Chuck and his projector system with computer ready to start the show:

The introduction to Mead:

Upper classes had special Mead goblets:

Saxon Horn Goblets:

Three types of True Mead:
1- Dry Mead

2- Sack Mead:

3- Small Mead:

Orange Clove Mead Recipe:

Mead Dictionary & Related Terms:

"Aguamiel" - Spanish mead.

"Ayahuasca" - Amazonian mind liberating liquid.

"Balche" - Mayan state altering mead made with balche bark.

"Bochet" -  is a sack mead that has been burned or charred.

"Balche" - Mayan state altering mead made with balche bark.

"Bracket" -  is mead and ale combined.

"Braggot" - mead made with honey and malt.

"Capsicumel" - mead made with honey with chile pepper ....try it, it's not very hot ;-).

"Chouchen" - Breton (France) mead.

"Clarre" -  is another term for Pyment and is a mead (actually, a Melomel) made with honey and grapes or grape juice.

"Cyser" or "Cyster" - a sack mead (actually, a Melomel) made with honey and apples (or apple juice) and is closely related to hard cider.

"Hippocras" - mead made with honey, grapes and spices – really a spiced pyment.

"Honig" – German word for honey.

"Honing" – Norwegian word for honey.

"Honung" – Swedish word for honey.

"Hunaja" – Finnish word for honey.

"Hydromel"- a French drink of watered-down or diluted mead; also Portugese name for mead.

"Idromele" - Italian mead.

"Madhu" - Indian Sanskrit word for mead.

"Mayz-shoerr" - Hungarian mead.

"Mead" – general term for honey wine, may have optional flavoring ingredients.

"Med" - Bulgarian and Ukranian mead.

"Meddeglin" or "Meddeglyn" - Welsh spiced mead (see myddyglyn).

"Mede" - Dutch mead.

"Medovina" - Czech and Slovak mead.

"Medovukha" - Russian mead.

"Medu" - Ancient German mead.

"Medus" - Lithuanian and/or Latvian word for honey.

"Meis" - Eritrean mead.

"Mel" – Welsh, Brazilian (and others) word for honey.

"Melomel" - mead made with honey and fruit (see mulsum).

"Meodu" - Olde English mead.

"Met" - German mead.

"Metheglin" -mead made with honey and herbs or spices.

"Midus" - Lithuanian mead.

"Miel" – Spanish word for honey.

"Miòd" - Polish mead.

"Mjød" - Danish and Norwegian mead.

"Mjod" – Russian word for honey.

"Mjöd" - Swedish mead.

"Mõdu" - Estonian honey beer.

"Mora" or "Morat" – is a sack mead (actually a Melomel) made with honey and mulberries.

"Mulsum" - mead made with honey and fruit (see melomel).

"Myddyglyn" - Welsh spiced mead (see meddeglyn).

"Nabidh" - Arabic mead.

"Ngarlu" - Australian Aboriginal word for honey.

"Omphacomel" - mead made with honey containing verjuice, the juice of unripe grape.

"Oxymel" - mead mixed with wine vinegar.

"Perry" - a sack mead (actually, a Melomel) made with honey and pears.

"Pyment" - mead (actually, a Melomel) made with honey and grapes. Also known as clarre.

"Pyment-claree" - mead made with honey and grapes.

"Rhodamel" or "Rhodomel" - mead (actually, a Metheglin) made with honey containing attar, a rose petal distillate.

"Sack mead" -strong mead made with extra honey.

"Show mead" -mead made with honey.

"Sima "- Finnish mead.

"Tapli" - Georgian (in the Caucasus) word for honey.

"T’ej" - Ethiopian mead made with honey and hops.

"Traditional" - mead made with honey, water, acid, yeast nutrients, and yeast only.

"Weirdomel" – mead to the max made with honey with other unusual flavorings.

"Ydromeli" - Greek mead.

© 2012 French Broad Vignerons