a tour of chucks demo garden
Chuck's greenhouse where he is able to root muscadine grapes. This is a tough task since mountain muscadines do not really want to root from cuttings.
New growth is cut, the ends are treated with rooting hormone, and then the cuttings are dept at a warm temp, and a high humidity in this greenhouse until the roots are established
Socme of Chucks vines
This is not a muscadine. It is a grape that is suffering from black rot. It has been a wet year, this vine really is too young to be having offspring, so the occasional grape that is allowed to be born has not been sprayed with anything. This shows what happens when they are left on their own.
Here is the French Broad Vigneron wine table. Good stuff and it was free.
A show of Alan (in the horizontal stipes). He brought an assortment of fine tasting wines.
Chuck's garden is artistic as well as functional